Happy New Year

A very belated Happy New Year to our faithful followers. Sorry we haven't posted any of our recent adventures yet, but we have good excuses:
1. In our rush to leave the house at 5:30am, Fiona left her digital camera at home when we went to Europe, which means we've been waiting on some Holga shots to be developed... then they have to be scanned, processed, etc., all of which is time-consuming;
2. Fiona's parents have been with us for the last while, which has meant more photos (good) but no time at home to post.
3. We suck.
London and Paris were great, and Hakone and Kyoto with the Bakers were also fantastic. Photos soon, we promise.
Oh, the above photo is us at our New Year's Eve dinner in Paris. The restaurant guy took our photo as we were leaving and printed it on the spot. He thought we were being all John-Travolta-cool; little did he know we were just being J-cute.
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