Thursday, November 02, 2006

Jidai Matsuri - Kyoto

This festival, held every year in October, celebrates Kyoto's history as the capital of Japan for around a millennium. People parade in traditional costumes, all handmade in the traditional way, representing various historical figures. Thousands upon thousands of people of course turn out to watch the displays. There were samurai, lords, ladies, farmers, you name it; Sei Shonagon even put in an appearance, fresh from the 11th century.

(Check out the Flickr account for more pics.)

Monday, October 30, 2006

Halloween Party

Fiona's private class of young kiddies held a very enthusiastic Halloween party, complete with costumes and glowing pumpkins. The witch costume was particularly fetching.

Toji Market Kyoto

Also in Kyoto, we took Pearl to the famous market at Toji temple in the south. The huge temple grounds were covered with hundreds of stalls selling pottery, clothes, antiques, food, you name it. We all bought some small bits of pottery from Osamu-san, the smiling monk.

Entoku-in Kyoto

In Kyoto, the Entoku-in temple complex (nearby the more famous Kodai-ji) had a special garden light-up event; the temple was very quiet, and the garden looked amazing in the careful night lighting. We also had tea in a 300-year-old teahouse nestled in the garden. Our knees complained about sitting in seiza, but our tastebuds were happy.